lying in his own vomit|lie in his own vomit in English

otting in his own stench, lying in his puke

Use "lying in his own vomit|lie in his own vomit" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lying in his own vomit|lie in his own vomit" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lying in his own vomit|lie in his own vomit", or refer to the context using the word "lying in his own vomit|lie in his own vomit" in the English Dictionary.

1. Moʹab wallows in his vomit,

2. They're like " dogs eating their own vomit and sows wallowing in their own feces. "

3. Like a drunk staggering in his vomit.

4. After a few minutes of just lyin in his own piss and vomit... my uncle starts wonderin'what he's doin'there.

5. Asphyxiation, probably. Passed out, choked on her own vomit.

6. Others have become unconscious and choked on their own vomit.

7. Alcohol poisoning impairs a person's gag reflex and they could choke on their own vomit or inhale vomit into their lungs.

8. If solvent misusers become unconscious they may choke on their own vomit .

9. You must ensure that an unconscious person does not choke on their own vomit.

10. I fled back to the privacy of my own room to retch and vomit.

11. There are no whoopee cushions or fake vomit lying around her office.

12. Vomit girl.

13. That's almost vomit.

14. I want the pig to vomit in your face and I want you to swallow the vomit.

15. He makes his own point in his own inimitable way.

16. Saw the vomit, yellow and translucent on my training shoe lying beside the bunk.

17. Everything went from his mind, only the sense to rip off his mask before the vomit came.

18. Each blows his own bugle and sings his own tune -- each does things in his own way.

19. Barfy (Adjective) Resembling vomit in colour, texture, etc.

20. If the patient should vomit, turn him over with his head to the side.

21. - to operate exclusively in his own name and on his own account,

22. I want vomit in the hair, bruised-up knees.

23. Because they were lukewarm, Christ was going to vomit them out of his mouth.

24. He found them in a mess of vomit.

25. After bandaging his wounds, the lance-naik heard calls from his own adjutant who was lying wounded in the open.